Saints row 3 or 4
Saints row 3 or 4

saints row 3 or 4

There was a point I would have rather watched Niko do boring paperwork than engage in another low speed chase with another single car.

saints row 3 or 4

GTA4 was set in an amazingly atmospheric city, had a real sense of place, some really interesting, likeable characters and some brilliant dialogue but booooooy did it draaaaaaaaaaaaaag oooooon after a while. I would like to see a much more serious side of Saints Row I actually like the first Saints Row better than GTA4, The other Saint Rows were alright, but its the slap stick style Saint Row presents that stops me from giving it the better approval. However, it's the non-serious expanded freedoms that make Saints Row fun to play and experiment with. I mean, pouring forties on your dead homies to revive them, Really? My personal fave, watching them (Homies) bail out of an air plane with you 10,000 feet in the air hit the ground and get back up and help you fight.

saints row 3 or 4

Saints Row on the other hand, outside of the first one has turned into a slap stick kind of game. The DL contents were cool gave it reply value and expanded and brought the three universes together in downloadable episodes, which I think GTA5 will do from the start. The presentation was cool, watching tv use the internet, but outside of that nothing really stood out with Niko. GTA4 is a much more serious game, that in my opinion lacked innovative flair within the game mechanics. Saints Row has S#!TT3D on GTA ever since 2 came out in '08. So these are MY opinions, doesn't mean either game is better or worse, just my opinion is what matters to me. The activities were freaking horrible, bowling and darts that don't function half as well as a flash game on my phone is not my idea of good. The music I don't even remember, the dialogue was fine, the clothes were GOD awful, that's the first time I ever heard anyone like the clothing options in that game, they were bare bones. The story was snore worthy, the characters were annoying, the world IS big, but with DICK to do in it. I'm also confused at "The only thing I think SR3 excels in is the fun factor".Well isn't fun supposed to be the point of every single video games out there(if not every piece of media out there)? If you have fun in a certain game, what's it matter if all you do is look at 4 walls, YOU still had fun with it.īut as I was saying, all the stuff you listed for GTA IV, I feel the complete opposite. There's this thing called opinion.that is yours, realize the difference please before you spout your opinions as facts.

Saints row 3 or 4